Honda Motorcycle Ad 1966 June


Honda Motorcycle Ad from June 24, 1966 Life magazine.

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Honda Motorcycle Ad 1966 JuneFull color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that shows how popular the new Hondas’ are with everyone. The headline says that “Some People Have All the Fun” and has five pictures that show two Hondas on a ranch where people are alternating between riding horses and riding the Hondas. The largest picture shows a cowgirl in a helmet talking to a man as they stand near a parked Honda. Another group of people stands a little farther away looking at the Honda with envious smiles on their faces. The text talks about the prices starting at $215, being able to get up to 200 mpg with 15 deferent models to pick from.

Source:  June 24, 1966 Life magazine.