Grolier Ad 1962


Grolier Ad from June 5, 1962 Look magazine.

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Grolier Ad 1962Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Min/Max II. There is a picture that shows the original Min/Max with the caption “Last year we introduced the remarkable new Min/Max: first home teaching machine to achieve public acceptance”. Next to this is a picture of the Min/Max II with the caption “This year we’ve topped it”. The text contains a group of testimonials that speak of the help ways that the original Min/Max helped individuals and groups as well as saying that “During 1961 over 300,000 TMI-Grolier self-teaching courses worked with Min/Max teaching machines in homes and schools throughout America”. It goes on to say that the low cost Min/Max II will make it easier and mentions some of the courses that were available at this time.

Source:  June 5, 1962 Look magazine.