Grip Sure Ad 1925


Grip Sure Ad from October 1925 The American Boy.

Out of stock


Grip Sure Ad 1925Three color 10″ x 13″ ad for their athletic shoes. The headline calls them “The shoes with the patented suction cup soles” and the text claims this design offers speed with safety. This single shoe is claimed to make you a winner “in basket-ball, running, boxing, wrestling, bowling-any kind of sport, indoors or out”. Another headline says that “Sure-footedness brings you victory and safety – and may bring you money too!” and a box at the left of the page explains this claim. A contest was underway with the object to send a letter in explaining how these shoes made your athletic endeavor possible whether it was a sporting event or something like climbing a mountain. There was going to be a total of 46 winners with $500 in prize money spread out with $100 to the Grand Prize winner. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  October 1925 The American Boy.