Goodyear Tires Ad 1940


Goodyear Tires Ad from September 1940 Country Gentleman.

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Goodyear Tires Ad 1940Black and white 10″ x 14″ ad for just what everybody needs, Tractor Tires. At the top of the ad is the statement, “Look Twice before you pick tires for your tractor” and a picture of an older gentleman sitting on his tractor. There is a close-up photo of one of these tires mounted with three little farmers drawn in saying “Open Space Here No Mud Traps”“Buttressed Base No Lug Tear” and “Even Spaced Lugs No Jerks”. Below this is a smaller tire with a box that explains about The Self-Cleaning Tractor Tire by going into details about the three farmers. The text in the ad describes Goodyear as being the world’s largest tire manufacturer which should bean something.

Source:  September 1940 Country Gentleman.