Ford Thunderbird Ad June 1955


Ford Thunderbird Ad from June 1955 Holiday.

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Ford Thunderbird Ad June 1955Thunderbird – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad with the information that when you become an owner of a new Thunderbird, you will want to spend as much time as possible in it. There is a drawing of an early morning where a man is slowly pulling his Black Thunderbird down the driveway past the milk man who is walking up the driveway. The headline calls this moment “6 a.m. Thunderbird time” and the text talks about several things that will make your ride amazing. The Thunderbird has seats that are “nearly five feet wide”, an adjustable steering wheel along with a removable hard top or fabric top. There is a picture of the Thunderbird Special Y-block V-8 too plus this car comes in 5 colors.

Source:  June 1955 Holiday.