Ford Pickup Trucks Ad January 1963


Ford Pickup Trucks Ad from January 25, 1963 Life magazine.

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Ford Pickup Trucks Ad January 1963Ford Pickups – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/*2″ ad that discusses how the Pickups have an I-beam front axle just like the big trucks to give longer tire life and greater front-end reliability. There are pictures that compare the I-beam setup on the “Big Trucks” with the kind that are on the Ford Pickup and there is also a picture of a Red Ford F-100 Pickup with a bed full of pipe and a confident man at the wheel. The text also talks about the fact that not only the I-beams are built like the big trucks but quite a bit of other important parts are made like that too.

Source:  January 25, 1963 Life magazine.