Firestone Tires Ad 1933


Firestone Tires Ad from January 7, 1933 Saturday Evening Post.

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Firestone Tires Ad 1933Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Tires and other products that allow them to claim to have “Leadership”. The headline says that “Extra Values give you Extra Safety” and the ad shows a magnifying glass allowing you to see clearly that “The Firestone Tread is designed with angles and projections to give the maximum traction and non-skid. The brakes can stop the wheels, but the tires must stop the car”. The text talks about the Firestone Gum-Dipped Non-Skid Tires being able to outperform other tires and explains that this is due to the Gum-Dipping and the Two Extra Gum-Dipped Cord Plies under the Tread. Pictured in the ad are other products, such as batteries, spark plugs and anti-freeze, that you should consider when you are having your tires changed at you Firestone dealer.

Source:  January 7, 1933 Saturday Evening Post.