Fiat Ad September 1966


Fiat Ad from September 23, 1966 Life magazine.

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Fiat Ad September 19661966 Fiat 124 – Black and white 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that is said to be “Introducing the new Fiat 124. The picture shows the car parked, nose in, and a man in clothes from the 1400’s stands looking at it. The headline states that it is the “Most important Italian landing since 1492”. The first two lines of the ad say “Thought no car like this would ever get here? Now you know how they felt about Columbus”. There are many improvements in this car and it’s safety features. It only costs $1798 and the last line is that you should “Always have at least one”.

Source:  September 23, 1966 Life magazine.