Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1968


Equitable Life Assurance Ad from April 19, 1968 Life magazine.

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Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1968Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the agents from Equitable that will take care of your needs. There is a picture of a busy, well-lit office where three smiling, eager men in suits are standing by their desks waiting to take care of you. The headline calls them “The Protectors” and says that you can “Expect a lot from them”. The text talks about the special skill needed to “protect people from the threat of serious financial setbacks” and says that these and other agents from Equitable have that skill plus Living Insurance from Equitable. It mentions that when you meet a Protector you will begin to feel more secure.

Source:  April 19, 1968 Life magazine.