Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1964


Equitable Life Assurance Ad from September 4, 1964 Life magazine.

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Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1964Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for the Equitable Life Assurance Society Of The United States. In this ad we have a photo of a grandfather taking his two dogs and his granddaughter for a ride in his convertible with the top down. He is sitting there, the dogs in the front seat with him and the granddaughter in the back, and he is smiling very happily as the caption in the ad says “Look Ahead” and the words under the photo says “Money for life!”. The headline for the ad claims that “Yoiu can’t outlive your income with an annuity from Equitable. The ad then tells us that “Retirement can be great fun – when you don’t have to worry about your money running out. You’ll never have that worry with an annuity from Equitable. Because an Equitable annuity guarantees you a regular income for as long as you live. A check every single month, even if you live to be a hundred. For financial independence with absolute security, there’s nothing like it. For complete information about an annuity that meets your special needs, call The Man From Equitable. You couldn’t ask for better advice in looking ahead”.

Source:  September 4, 1964 Life magazine.