Elizabeth Arden Ad 1948


Elizabeth Arden Ad from June 14, 1948 Life magazine.

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Elizabeth Arden Ad 1948Full color 10″ x 14″ ad for their Blue Grass Flower Mist fragrance. There is a picture of a lady seductively stretched out on a blue surface and holding a spray bottle of the Blue Grass Flower Mist in her hands while the headline tells us that “Great Beauties Simply Bathe in it!”. The caption identifies her lips and fingertips as being colored with their Sky Blue Pink. The text encourages you to “Forget that timid dab of fragrance behind the ear” and, instead, encourage you to spray your entire body with their product. The ad gives the prices for nine different products in their Blue Grass line. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  June 14, 1948 Life magazine.