Duz Ad August 1951


Duz Ad from August 1951 Woman’s Day.

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Duz Ad August 1951Full color 7 1/2″ x 11 3/4″ ad for their Washday Product in the Giant Economy Size. There is a picture of an attractive housewife holding a big, red box of this product next to her cheek and the headline has her saying that “For White White Washes Without Red Hands, I’ve Gone Back to Duz!”. The text in this ad claims that Duz “gives you almost toilet soap mildness for your hands!” and that it gives you a combination of “rich, real soap” and two, unnamed active detergents. It also claims to have “more magic whitening power than ever – the most you can get in any soap”, that you will get “the cleanest, whitest, brightest washes you can get with any soap on earth”, that it is “Milder, kinder to your hands than any other leading package product sold for washday – soap or suds” and that it “works wonders in every type Washing Machine”. Quite a product.

Source:  August 1951 Woman’s Day.