Du Pont Tires Ad 1956


Du Pont Tires Ad from April 30, 1956 Life magazine.

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Du Pont Tires Ad 1956Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the fact that Nylon tires work best and Du Pont makes nylon. There is a drawing of a double line of cars, bumper-to-bumper, going through a tunnel while a police officer stands guard. The caption says that this is “No time for tire trouble, no time to ignore safety” and the headline proudly proclaims that “Only nylon cord tires can give you utmost safety – surest protection against tire trouble.” The text also claims that “The four things a tire cord must do…Nylon does best” and urges you to see your tire dealer for further information.

Source:  April 30, 1956 Life magazine.