Dodge Dart Convertible Ad October 1966


Dodge Dart Convertible Ad from October 14, 1966 Life magazine.

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Dodge Dart Convertible Ad October 1966Dodge Dart Convertible – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad shows a couple sitting in a Brown Dart with the top down as the headline claims this is the Dodge Rebellion Operation ’67”. At the top of the ad is a lady dressed in a black long-sleeved shirt and black slacks holding a string in her hand that goes toward a little cannon pointed away from her. The headline here says “Why string along with small-bore compacts? Go ’67 Dart. The text of the ad tells you that you “Don’t let others set the pace; do it yourself. Take the big step forward into bold ’67 Dart, the hot all-new swinger that’s a cut above the compact crowd”.

Source:  October 14, 1966 Life magazine.