Dodge Dart Ad February 1964


Dodge Dart Ad from February 21, 1964 Life magazine & March 24, 1964 Look magazine.

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Dodge Dart Ad February 1964Dodge Dart – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad first shows a Red Four-Door Six occupied by a mother and her two young children with the headline saying that “You can’t beat Dart’s Six. Below that is a picture of this same car being passed by a Black Dart convertible with the top down and the headline clarifies “except with Dart’s new V-8″. The text explains that the performance figures for the Six shows that it “has the muscle of an Eight” but they still went ahead and installed a real eight cylinder engine that is tuned for “family-size performance”.

Source:  February 21, 1964 Life magazine & March 24, 1964 Look magazine.