De Soto Ad October 1940


De Soto Ad from October 28, 1940 Life magazine.

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De Soto Ad October 1940De Soto – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for the 1941 De Soto. This ad has a banner stating that here are the Five Greats Of A Great New Chrysler Corporation Car. 1941 De Soto. It then tells us to Enjoy (1) De Soto Fluid Drive with (2) Simplimatic Transmission – Automatic Shifting for all normal driving! (3) Low-slung Rocket Bodies (4) New 2-Tone Interiors (5) Chrysler Corporation Quality, Economy”. Then there is a picture of a Green 1941 De Soto Convertible parked on a horse farm as the people inside are talking to the people outside. The text says that De Soto…that’s the name to remember – the car to watch – this year! It’s a big car – a wide car – a long, rakish, low-slung car…with lines that are all action and beauty. You can see and feel its quality…in the way it is designed and fitted throughout, in the velvety smoothness with which it handles. It has every new and worth-while feature for ’41. Drive it and see, With Fluid Drive, you can stop, start, go all day without shifting, or touching the clutch. A wonderful smooth surge of power at the getaway…flashing acceleration in traffic or on hills. Always that feeling of effortless, limitless power! And this beauty hugs the road…literally smoothes out the rough spots. It gives you that solid, steady-riding ‘feel’ you want. Stop in today and see this big, impressive 1941 De Soto. Take it out on the road and try it. You’ll find a rich, luxurious, wonderfully easy-handling car – priced surprisingly low. There are thirteen body styles – eight new solid colors – four beautiful two-tone combinations. You have a choice of fine upholstery fabrics – two-tone interior color schemes”.

Source:  October 28, 1940 Life magazine.