Cunard Line Ad July 1958


Cunard Line Ad from July 1958 Holiday.

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Cunard Line Ad July 1958Full color 7 1/4″ x 11″ ad that is designated for the Cunard Shipping Lines. In this ad we see several people playing in the guest room. There are several “racing horses” as there are more standing back and watching and laughing. As the ad headline says, “Tonight…1500 miles at sea…the horses will be off and running”. The ad then says that “Everybody shares the after-dinner games aboard a Cunader – those who play and those who watch! Your glowing mood shaped by the thoughtful service of the masterpiece meal just completed, has been tuned by the day’s fellowship. You are mellow, relaxed, receptive…you anticipate a dancing evening. Lovely people, a lively crossing, a great vacation to and from Europe. The timeless peace of sea, sky and sleep has unwound your tensions. Who wins – tonight, 1500 miles at sea? You do!”. At the bottom of the ad it lists the eleven ships available from the Cunard Line.

Source:  July 1958 Holiday.