Corina Cigars Ad August 1968


Corina Cigars Ad from August 23, 1968 Life magazine.

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Corina Cigars Ad August 1968Full color 5″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Corina Larks Cigars. This ad is similar to the one listed previously, it is just on a half-width page. This one says the same thing, “It’s impossible” on a cigar that has just been started, “to smoke a Corina when the cigar has been smoked somewhat, “to the bitter end” when the cigar is more than half done, and “It has none.” when the cigar is down far enough to be held with a toothpick. The ad says that “You run only one risk when you smoke a Corina. People may think you’re stingy. (Some men even resort to a toothpick to extract a last and still another last puff.) Why are men so reluctant to part with their Corina? It’s the tobacco, specially grown, specially blended to a special balance, so the full fragrant flavor comes through mild and easy”. The description goes on and on.

Source:  August 23, 1968 Life magazine.