Colt 45 Ad June 1969


Colt 45 Ad from June 1969 Playboy.

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Colt 45 Ad June 1969Full color 7 1/2″ x 10 3/4″ ad that displays what a completely unique experience drinking a Colt 45 can be. There is a picture of a modernistic bar with the lower half of the wall taken up with cans of Colt 45 beer and the upper half being white with a few banners and a flying saucer with Colt 45 written along the wider portion. A man in a business suit sits calmly at a table with his Colt 45 poured into a glass while two attractive female space aliens stand next to him in revealing white space suits, silver boots that seem to be unzipped and clear oxygen helmets that do little to hinder their beauty showing through. The ad headline asks you to “Take off on a completely unique experience” then encourages you to “Look for the spaceship display wherever Colt 45 Malt Liquor is sold. Then put a couple of extra six packs in cold storage. It’s out of this world.”

Source:  June 1969 Playboy.