Clicquot Club Ad 1947


Clicquot Club Ad from March 3, 1947 Life magazine.

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Clicquot Club Ad 1947Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Pale Dry Ginger Ale. The ad has a picture of a table that contains a bottle of Clicquot Club Pale Dry Ginger Ale, a glass filled from this bottle, a container of ice cubes and cherries on a plate and loosely lying on the table. The text compares the cherries to Clicquot Club in that both taste better after they have been aged. The text mentions a few other “ingredients” that have made this product for “over 50 years a favorite”. We are told that it also comes in “All other Popular Flavors including Cola – also Sparkling Water”.

Source:  March 3, 1947 Life magazine.