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Chrysler Ad May 1949


Chrysler Ad from May 1949 Life magazine.


Chrysler Ad May 1949Chrysler – Full color 9 1/2″ x 14″ ad for their Silver Anniversary Model. In this ad we see a Blue Four-Door parked against a light-colored background with the headline identifying it as “The Beautiful New Chrysler. Brought to our attention in this ad is the Prestomatic Fluid Drive Transmission, the high-compression Spitfire engine, the exclusive Safety-Rim Wheels, the Safeguard Hydraulic Brakes, the Cyclebonded Brake Linings and the Waterproof Ignition System. It also mentions the extra comfort, room and beauty before calling it “the best car value in our 25-year history for safety, comfort, convenience and performance”.

Source:  May 1949 Life magazine.