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Chrysler Ad January 1962


Chrysler Ad from November 10, 1961 & January 1, 1962 Life magazines.


Chrysler 300 – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad with a large picture of a Red Chrysler 300 Two-Door parked just outside of a several car garage where a man is just walking away after washing this beauty and his wife is standing, hands clasped, in a window overlooking the scene. The ad headline alerts us that the 1962 Chrysler “features the new full-size 300 – a high performance sports series in a popular price range!”. There is discussion of some of the features and there is a smaller picture of a Dark-Green Newport Four-Door with mention that the price is still $2,964. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  November 10, 1961 & January 1, 1962 Life magazines.