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Chrysler Ad February 1959


Chrysler Ad from February 13, 1959 Life magazine & May 12, 1959 Look magazine.


Chrysler Ad February 1959Chrysler Windsor 4-door Hardtop – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that talks about the Roominess and Comfort in the new Chrysler products. The ad features a side view of a 1959 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Hardtop in Lustre-Bond Highland Green and Ivory White being driven down the road and several views of the interior of this car. The ad shows the front seats that swivel around to make entry and exit very easy and how wide and comfortable the back seat is. The ad headline claims you can “Swing in…stretch out. Revel in Chrysler Roominess!”. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  February 13, 1959 Life magazine & May 12, 1959 Look magazine.