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Chrysler Ad April 1947


Chrysler Ad from April 1947 Holiday.


Chrysler Ad April 1947Chrysler – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that calls your attention to some of the improvements that have been designed into this year’s model, changes that will make it easier for you to drive it and safer for everyone in your way. There is a colorful drawing of a Dark Chrysler roaring along a rutted dirt road as the sun is setting in the background. As the two ladies in the car are going into a curve a man riding a horse with a dog running alongside come bursting out of the woods directly into the path of the Chrysler. The ad says “Whoa!” and talks about the “extra braking power built into your new Chrysler that will bring this beast to a stop with “a mere touch of the brake pedal”. The next drawing shows a relieved man waving his thanks to the ladies in the Chrysler for being able to stop as quickly as they did. This car was promised to stop in a silky-smooth manner and, with the Hydraulically Operated Transmission and gyral Fluid Drive was begin moving the same way.

Source:  April 1947 Holiday.