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Chrysler Ad 1957


Chrysler Ad from November 5, 1956 Life magazine.


Chrysler Ad 1957Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 3/4″ ad got the New Torsion-Aire Ride in the 1957 Chrysler Corp. Cars”. Pictured in this ad is a Reddish 1957 Plymouth Belvedere 4-Door Sport Sedan Hardtop under the headline saying “And For 1957 THE FORWARD LOOK Also Brings You The Year’s Outstanding Engineering Advance! New TORSION-AIRE RIDE…it carpets the road!”. There is a little box that asks you “How Torsion-Aire helps you” and it tells you that it “1. Smooths the roughest roads. 2. Turns corners without ‘leaning’. 3. Stops without ‘dive'”. The text then tells us that “Only once or twice in a decade is there a major engineering ‘break-through’ like this! Climaxing five years of research and testing, Chrysler Corporation’s engineers have perfected a completely new suspension system, a new kind of ride – TORSION-AIRE. Here’s what it does for you: Your 1957 Chrysler Corporation car will have greater stability, greater smoothness on any road surface than any other car you ever owned. You will turn corners with virtually no sway…you will stop without a jolting ‘front-end dive’…you will ride as on a carpet, softly, quietly, without road shock!”. This ad continues on talking about the changes you will feel in your 1957 Chryslers.

Source:  November 5, 1956 Life magazine.