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Chevy Vega Ad May 1971


Chevy Vega Ad from May 28, 1971 & June 15, 1971 Look magazine.


Chevy Vega Ad May 1971Chevy Vega Hatchback – Full color 10″ x 12″ ad with a picture of a Green Hatchback with the back seat up so that a large family can be transported and a Blue Hatchback with the back seat down and the hatch open so you can see that the young man driving has been able to fit an entire set of drums in his car. The ad describes this versatile vehicle as “The little car that grows on you.” This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  May 28, 1971 & June 15, 1971 Look magazine.