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Chevrolet Six Ad 1930


Chevrolet Six Ad from March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.


Chevrolet Six Ad 1930Chevrolet Six – Three color 7 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ ad for their New Car. The ad has a picture of a Reddish Four-Door parked at the curb of a busy city street while nearly every pedestrian walks toward it to get a better look. The ad headline calls “The New Chevrolet Six – a wise motor car investment” and the ad text discusses different features including the 50-horsepower six-cylinder valve-in-head motor, the Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers and the weather-proof brakes. The ad also claims several times that the price of this Six-Cylinder is in the price range of the Four.

Source:  March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.