Camel Cigarettes Ad 1948


Camel Cigarettes Ad from June 14, 1948 Life magazine.

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Camel Cigarettes Ad 1948Full color 9 1/4″ x 13″ ad that encourages a families to give Dad a Carton on Father’s Day. There is a picture of ad sitting in his striped easy-chair reading the morning paper while his wife and two children, all still in pajamas, sneak into the room holding a bright red carton of Camels behind their backs. The headline tells us that “More people are smoking Camels than ever before!” and encourages everyone to “Give Dad a carton on Father’s Day Sunday, June 20″. The text mentions that the special carton designed for Father’s Day has a “Gift Card” embossed right onto the top.

Source:  June 14, 1948 Life magazine.