Buick Riviera Ad August 1955


Buick Riviera Ad from August 15, 1955 Life magazine.

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Buick Riviera Ad August 1955Buick Four-Door Riviera – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad with a picture of a Black Riviera with a Red Top being driven by a happy couple on a curving road through farmland in the process of being harvested. The ad headline assures you that, with this car “When it’s your will – you’re away!” and mentions that Buick’s Variable Pitch Dynaflow Automatic Transmission and what a difference it will make for your driving comfort. It tries to describe how amazing the ride is with the power available but ends by saying “Drop in for a visit with us this week to check things for yourself”.

Source:  August 15, 1955 Life magazine.