Buick LeSabre Ad 1964


Buick LeSabre Ad from February 21, 1964 Life magazine & April 7, 1964 Look magazine.

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Buick LeSabre Ad 1964Buick LeSabre – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for the Expensive Features in an Inexpensive Car. The ad shows a white convertible parked on the beach as the sun is just below the horizon. There is a woman in a bathing suit coming out of the water and a well-dressed man is gallantly holding a towel for her. The headline says “We took an expensive name, an expansive ride, expensive performance and a very expensive look…and made a surprisingly inexpensive car. Buick LeSabre. The text gives a very general description of the features of this car.

Source:  February 21, 1964 Life magazine & April 7, 1964 Look magazine.