BF Goodrich Tires Ad 1946


BF Goodrich Tires Ad from December 16, 1946 Life magazine.

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BF Goodrich Tires Ad 1946Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that assures the reader that the tires manufactured after the war will significantly outwear the Prewar tires. There is a picture of traveling salesman E.B. Palmer of Denver, Colorado checking the tread of one of his front tires. The headline claims that this is a “Typical example: The New Tire that outwears Prewar Tires” and the text contains a letter that he wrote claiming that his B. F. Goodrich Silvertown tires have 36,664 miles on them and they still have a safe amount of tread left. It admits that tires are still limited since the end of the war and urges you to contact your B. F. Goodrich dealer in advance to get your tires.

Source:  December 16, 1946 Life magazine.