Ballantine Scotch Whisky Ad October 1963


Ballantine Scotch Whisky Ad from October 4, 1963, & May 14, 1964, Life magazine.

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Ballantine Scotch Whisky Ad October 1963Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that gives us an idea what it takes to make a great Scotch. There is a picture of a man holding a white goose while sitting on the edge of Loch Lomord with a barrel, some barley, a wooden pitch fork, piles of peat and a bottle of Ballantine’s sitting on top of the barrel. The headline claims that “The barley, the peat, the barrels, the water, the geese and the ‘nose’ that make Ballantine’s the true and good-tasting Scotch”. The text explains the different items in the picture claiming that the water used in producing this product all comes from Lake Lomord and the goose, well, they claim that they use geese as guards at their aging sheds.

Source:  October 4, 1963, & May 14, 1964, Life magazine.