Baby Ruth Candy Ad October 1943


Baby Ruth Candy Ad from October 1943 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Baby Ruth Candy Ad October 1943Full color 9″ x 12″ ad for this popular, too popular for some people, candy. The ad, which is a smaller version of another ad on this page, has a picture of a soldier on fatigue duty touring the yard and picking up trash. His bag is filled with Baby Ruth wrappers and that is all that is on the ground in front of him which causes him to wonder “Don’t these guys ever eat anything but Baby Ruth. The text in this wartime ad talks about how hard the company is working to supply the soldiers, at home and overseas, with enough good-tasting candy. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  October 1943 Better Homes & Gardens.