Autolite Spark Plugs Ad March 1963


Autolite Spark Plugs Ad from March 15, 1963 Life magazine.

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Autolite Spark Plugs Ad March 1963Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that talks about the Performance Value of Autolite Spark Plugs. The ad has a photo taken during the 1963 Daytona 500 NASCAR race that shows the Ford of “Tiny” Lund abreast of the Ford of Fred Lorenzen as the race progresses. The caption for this photo is “Tiny” Lund’s ’63 Ford leads pack to Autolite sweep at Daytona 500 and the ad talks about how, among other things, Autolite Spark Plugs were in nine of the top ten finishing cars in this year’s race. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  March 15, 1963 Life magazine.