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Armour Ad 1966 October


Armour Ad from October 14, 1966 Life magazine.

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Armour Ad 1966 OctoberFull color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Armour’s Vacuum Packed Franks. This is a very unique ad with a picture of a little girl dressed up in a Halloween costume, check the date of this ad, in which she is portrayed as a witch, wearing a black hat and a black gown with reddish-looking long fake hair streaming off of her head. She has something in her mouth that the ad indicates is a “Free tweet in every package of Armour Franks. Then, the bottom of the ad tells us that there is “No tricks. Every specially marked package of Armour Star Franks contains a free Halloween whistle. And, every Armour Star Frank contains the energy of an evening of tweeting. Or treating”. A little play on words there.

Source:  October 14, 1966 Life magazine.