Aquafilter Ad 1967


Aquafilter Ad from July 1967 McCall’s.

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Aquafilter Ad 1967Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Water-Activated, Disposable Cigarette Tips. There is a profile picture of a lady peacefully smoking her cigarette as the headline urges you to “Take a tip from Aquafilter. The text claims that this product will “dispose of an average of 75% of the tars and nicotine in that pack” yet does not affect the flavor. Each Aquafilter was supposed to be able to filter a full pack of 20 cigarettes and they were available in the large, economy carton of 100 filters for $4.95 or the handy 10 filter pack for just 59 cents.

Source:  July 1967 McCall’s.