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Ann Rutherford RC Cola Ad 1944 June


Ann Rutherford RC Cola Ad from June 19, 1944 Life magazine.


Ann Rutherford RC Cola Ad 1944 JuneThree color 5 1/2″ x 14″ ad that is for Royal Crown Cola Soft Drink with Actress Ann Rutherford. The top text has Ms. Rutherford saying that it “Serves me right! Tastes best, but quite!”. It then says that Miss Rutherford agreed to test; Cola drinks, the nation’s best; She said that one was “really slick” – ; Yes, Royal Crown Cola was her pick!”. It then has a picture of her, holding a tennis racket under a picture of one of the bottles of Royal Crown Cola, and it mentions that she was starring in Murder In Bermuda, a 20th Century-Fox picture. Near the bottom of this ad, it has her take on World War II, saying thata “‘We’re going to get the Axis,’ says Ann, ‘but we’ll all have to do our part. Our boys at the front are doing all they can. It’s up to us at home to buy more than before in the 5th War Loan!'”.

Source:  June 19, 1944 Life magazine.