AC Spark Plugs Ad May 1962


AC Spark Plugs Ad from May 8, 1962 Look magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad May 1962Full color 9 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ ad for the spark plugs that will give your car “renewed ACtion”. The ad has a drawing of a little girl that has walked up to a little boy who sits on the floor playing with his toy cars. She is holding an AC Spark Plug in her hand and has a Quality Service cap on her head and she says to the boy “My pop says AC Spark Plugs are best for your car”. The boy turns to look at her as she tells him this and sits wondering, with a smile on his face, just where these things that are about the same size as his car should go. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  May 8, 1962 Look magazine.