AC Spark Plugs Ad January 1964


AC Spark Plugs Ad from January 3, 1964 Life magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad January 1964Full color 10″ x 13″ ad shows a Monza GT, the dream car of tomorrow, blasting down a highway with an AC spark plug flying overhead. The caption informs us that this Concept Car has a “92” wheelbase, 165: overall, engine displacement 145 cu. in., 6-cylinder engine featuring dual carburetors, developing 102 SAE BHP at 4400 RPM”. The headline says that the “Monza GT sparks the imagination – AC sparks the action”. It explains that Tomorrow’s car is not for sale but the spark plugs are. If you buy and install AC Spark Plugs in your car will be providing it with Tomorrow’s Power Today.

Source:  January 3, 1964 Life magazine.