AC Spark Plugs Ad 1962 October


AC Spark Plugs Ad from October 26, 1962 Life magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad 1962 OctoberFull color 10″ x 13 3/4″ ad for AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs. This ad gives a feeling of hope to you when you think of how your engine will run once you have installed AC Spark Plugs in it. There is a blue background to the ad, looking like night time, clear but with stars twinkling. In the foreground of the picture there is an AC Spark Plug sitting there, tilted about 15 degrees to the right, and the ignitor is sparking, preparing it to take off. The ad headline tells us that AC adds sparkle to your car’s performance”. It then claims that “You get sparkling performance with AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs because of their full firing action. AC‘s “fire-ring” spark promotes complete combustion, for maximum power and greater gasoline economy. Next time you change, ask for ACtion…ask for AC.

Source:  October 26, 1962 Life magazine.