AC Spark Plugs Ad 1961


AC Spark Plugs Ad from February 3, 1961 Life magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad 1961Three color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the fact that using AC Spark Plugs will allow your car to do what it was designed to do. There is a picture of a service station garage where a man in white coveralls is changing the spark plugs on a car while the man and his young son who own the car watch with interest. The mechanic seems to be finishing the job because he is looking at the men and holding the fingers of his right hand in the “OK” signal as the headline says you can “count on AC Spark Plugs to help you…get all the pep you pay for”. The text talks about their Fire-Ring spark plugs being used on more new cars than any other brand.

Source:  February 3, 1961 Life magazine.