Honeywell Camera Ad 1971


Honeywell Camera Ad from April 1971 Playboy.

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Honeywell Camera Ad 1971Full color 8″ x 11″ ad for their Pentax Spotmatic. There is a picture of this camera placed on a white surface with the caption calling it the “World’s Best Selling 35mm Camera” and having the “World’s Most Accurate Metering System”. The headline simply says that “There is no finer camera made…” and the text tries to give enough information to make that believable. It talks about the Feel of a Pentax Spotmatic and urges you to begin buying some of the 28 perfectly matched Takumar lenses that were available. It mentions that this camera could be yours for $309.50 and other models with fantastic features could be had for up to $4,950. The description ends by urging you to “Will it to your favorite grandkid” since it will never wear out.

Source:  April 1971 Playboy.