Fisk Tires Ad 1941


Fisk Tires Ad from July 14, 1941 Life magazine.

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Fisk Tires Ad 1941Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ pre-war ad for their Safety-Stripe Tread design. The headline says they are “Striped for Safety” and gives us several examples of ways that, on the highway, stripes mean safety. The explanations claim you will “Stop quicker on wet slippery pavements” with this design, that you can “Look to the extra protection of Fisk’s body construction to guard you against blowouts” and, in case you were worried, you can “Listen – But you’ll hear no noise from Fisk’s Safety Stripe Tread. This ad contains the normal trademark of a sleepy young boy in pajamas holding a Fisk tire over one shoulder and a lit candle in the other hand.

Source:  July 14, 1941 Life magazine.