BF Goodrich Tires Ad 1942


BF Goodrich Tires Ad from October 26, 1942 Life magazine.

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BF Goodrich Tires Ad 1942Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Ameripol Silvertowns which were made from a synthetic rubber. There is a picture of a mechanic showing one of these tires to a delivery driver who is amazed as the mechanic tells him “35,377 miles on a synthetic rubber tire”. The text explains that B.F. Goodrich had been working on these tires for fourteen years and they had actually begun manufacturing them eighteen months before Pearl Harbor. They warn that it is difficult to keep up with the demand but the technology is there. There is also a list of the large American companies that have bought and are using these tires.

Source:  October 26, 1942 Life magazine.