Atlas Tires Ad 1967


Atlas Tires Ad from July 28, 1967 Life magazine.

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Atlas Tires Ad 1967Black and white 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that says that “Road tests under tough driving conditions prove it…The Round Tire rolls at least 3,000 miles further”. The Round Tire is an Atlas Plycron which is sold at over 50,000; leading service stations. At the top of the ad are four pictures that show some of the rough driving conditions these tires were put through. But then as the ad puts it, “Road testing is just one of many things that confirm the superb performance of an Atlas Plycron – The Round Tire”. The ad claims that there are “Four Actual Plies” and that it is “Safety Tested”.

Source:  July 28, 1967 Life magazine.