Gaines Dog Food Ad 1965 June


Gaines Dog Food Ad from June 18, 1965 Life magazine.

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Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the “New Gaines-Burgers the canned dog food…without the can”. Next to the label is an image of the item for sale which was a wrapped item that contained 6 burgers which, they felt was, Your dog’s dinner for 3 days. There were three other pictures in this ad. The first one showed that “2 Gaines-burgers are equal in nourishment to a 1-pound can of dog food”. The second picture showed a boy putting the package right into a cabinet and the headline told us that Gaines-burgers need no refrigeration!”. And the third picture showed a young boy smiling as he prepared the bowl of food for his waiting dog. He was breaking one of the Gaines-burgers up into smaller pieces as the dog stared into the bowl wondering if that was OK to eat. The headline here says that “Feeding is so easy!”.

Source:  June 18, 1965 Life magazine.