AC Spark Plugs Ad 1965 January


AC Spark Plugs Ad from January 26, 1965 Look magazine.

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AC Spark Plugs Ad 1965 JanuaryFull color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that is for AC Spark Plugs. This is one of their more ACTION advertisements, showing an AC Spark Plug blasting it’s way upwards into space. The ad shows, what looks like a larger spark plug, flaming its way up with flames bursting from around the threads and a solid sheet of flame coming from around the plug end. The ad then tells us that “Self-cleaning AC Spark Plugs help boost power”. it then claims that AC Spark Plugs clean themselves as you drive to help boost power! Ask for ACtion…ask for AC Fire-Ring Spark Plugs.

Source:  January 26, 1965 Look magazine.