Colgate Ad February 1944


Colgate Ad from February 28, 1944 Life magazine.

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Colgate Ad February 1944Black and white 5″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream. This is a story-telling ad that starts off with a little brother who is reading from his sister’s diary and he is sitting there, hand to his mouth, saying “Sisters are the Craziest People!”. In the next frame, the sister finds out that her brother has been reading and she says “You’ll find out who’s crazy if you don’t stop snooping in my diary”. The boy answers, Aw, keep your sweater on, Sis! Gleeps! If you don’t want anybody to read it…what do you write all that mush about Mike for?”. Next, the sister is feeling bad about the way she reacted and says “Oh, go away, Johnnie. You wouldn’t understand”. The little boy stands there and says “You’re not so smart yourself, Sis. Do you figger Mikes gonna hang around a girl that needs to see her dentist about bad breath? Huh, Mike’s no dope”. The next frame is entitled Sister sees her dentist and he is saying to her “To get rid of bad breath, I recommend Colgate Dental Cream. For scientific tests prove that in 7 out of 10 cases, Colgate stops oral bad breath instantly”. In the next frame, the dentist is still talking saying Colgate’s active penetrating foam gets into hidden crevices between teeth…helps clean out decaying food particles…stop stagnant saliva odors…remove the cause of much bad breath”. The next frame entitled Later…thanks to Colgate Dental Cream we see the happy couple with little Johnny standing there saying “Get a load of Mike and Sis! Nothing but mush, mush, mush! Sisters…and Sergeants…sure are the craziest people”. In the last picture, it shows Sis standing there saying that Colgate’s makes teeth actually sparkle…gives true brilliance to your smile!”.

Source:  February 28, 1944 Life magazine.