MONY Ad 1961


MONY Ad from April 7, 1961 Life magazine

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MONY Ad 1961Black and white 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the Mutual Of New York (MONY) Life Insurance Services. This ad has three pictures of a family out shopping for clothes and planning about their mortages with their young sons. The ad headline says that “If Your Life Insurance Needs Are Big (But Your Income Isn’t) MONY’s ‘Add-On’ Is For You”. The ad then tells us that “Big responsibilities mean big insurance needs. Yet these responsibilities often take so much of your current income that you find it difficult to get all the life insurance you need right now. MONY’s ‘ADD-ON’ Life Insurance was specially designed for people like you. Here’s how it works: You get a basic MONY policy, the kind that builds cash value for you. (There’s a discount if the face value is $5,000 or more.) At the same time, you add on lowest ‘ADD-ONs’ that can give you the extra protection you need right now at a price you can afford. You see, ‘ADD-ON’ gives you the most protection when you need it most, and as some of your insurance needs decline – for example, as your mortgage gets smaller – your insurance protection is gradually decreasing too. That’s one reason why the ‘ADD-ON’ benefits cost so little. Your helpful MONY man can show you how the ‘ADD-ON’ idea can give you 4 and often times 5 times as much immediate protection as your basic policy provides. And the premium for all this extra protection, in many cases, is less than the premium for the basic policy alone. Find out how ‘ADD-ON’ can give you big protection at low cost. Send coupons for free booklet”.

Source:  April 7, 1961 Life magazine