Atlas Tires Ad 1965


Atlas Tires Ad from April 20, 1965 Look magazine.

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Atlas Tires Ad 1965Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for the Atlas Plycron Tire. At the top of this ad it says that they want you to “Meet The Round Tire” just above a perfectly placed Atlas Plycron tire. Then, just below it, sits the claim that “It rolls at least 3,000 miles further”. It then claims that “If you think all tires are perfectly round you’ve got another tire coming. The Atlas Plycron Tire. It’s rounder. And roundness is only one reason it rolls at least 3,000 miles further than even the tires that come on most new cars. Atlas Has A Much Rounder Mold. What makes it rounder? A rounder mold. A precision engraved mold that’s within 3/1000 of an inch of perfect round. Other molds can be out of round by as much as 30/1000 of an inch. Small difference? Maybe. Until you think how many millions of times a tire turns in a year. Then that difference adds up, for rounder tires roll more smoothly, wear more evenly. Cord strength, wrap-around tread, many other things are important, too. The point is, only a tire this carefully built can give you those extra miles. At Least 3,000 More Miles. The toughest possible driving tests prove you can expect at least 3,000 more miles from The Round Tire – more if you’re an average driver”.

Source:  April 20, 1965 Look magazine.